One of the weekend trips to SultanPur Bird sanctuary which is about 50 Kilometers from Delhi and about 15 Kilometers from Gurgoan, its situated in, district Haryana. The ride to the sanctuary was as bumpy as it possibly could be and the road was one of the worst I have seen in my little experience of travel in India. With no knowledge of Bird kingdom and no aspiration to be an ornithologist we started our journey with ghar ke bane aloo ke paranthe on a scorching day (Some where in the end of August) in my car which unfortunately had no air conditioner. Something good about travelling in India is even if you don’t have GPS, you will always find people on road ready to help and tell you the directions, though sometimes they are themselves not very sure. So after a sweltering and bowel shaking drive, circumventing through tiny roads we finally made it to the sanctuary. Tickets were worth Rs. Five per person and surprisingly we were the only guests for the day. First thoughts were, are people in Delhi so ignorant that they don’t know about this place (of course very few people would actually bother), infact I didn’t know about it till the time we actually decided to go there, but the truth was this bird sanctuary is a protected area for migratory birds from Serbia, Europe and Afghanistan and they come here in the months of September and October and our timing didn’t match theirs. Even this did not discourage our spirits to make this trip successful, so we stepped inside the sanctuary with the hope of seeing some of the resident birds and other migratory birds that might have preponed there trip to the sanctuary. We walked through the narrow uneven path which was almost the parameter of the whole sanctuary, with the glazing sun over our heads, very little water and no food. We did have the glimpse of few of the birds from about half a kilometer, but none of us had the capability to tell us the names of the species. After this famishing and remember able walk we hogged in what ever was available at the nearby Haryana Tourism Resort and reiterated the lesson for the day to check for the timing before you visit a place and decided to visit Bharatpur another bird sanctuary , approximately 240 kilometers from Delhi at the right time of the year.